Heliostorage News

Heliostorage receives financial support from Nefco to expand across Europe

Within the EU, heating and cooling operations make up 50% of the total energy consumption while only 23% is being generated from renewable sources. “The energy crisis Europe experienced last year and the continued fuel insecurity have increased the demand for alternative and sustainable heating solutions”, explains Investment Officer at Nefco Joakim Svahn.

Nefco, the Nordic Green Bank, actively contributes to the achievement of global environmental and climate goals. Through tangible measures, they provide financial support to Nordic green solutions and facilitate their expansion worldwide. As pioneers in green finance, they prioritize the demonstration of value and the creation of additional impact while their financing often serving as a pivotal factor in the realisation of projects.

“Heliostorage offers a solution to replace conventional heating practices that is not only sustainable but also provides heat independence and security. We are happy to support Heliostorage on its journey to accelerate the green energy transition in Europe”

–Joakim Svahn, Investment Officer, Nefco.

Nefco has provided financing to Heliostorage for the purpose of supporting the international expansion of its solution. Following years of development and successful deployment of its initial thermal energy systems, the company is now looking to ramp up its sales efforts to companies across Europe, where natural gas and oil predominantly fuel heating and cooling systems in buildings. “The financing from Nefco will be instrumental in helping us to accomplish our objectives, furthering our commitment to advancing Europe’s progress towards achieving Net Zero emissions,” says Denise Conway, CEO at Heliostorage.

Read Nefco’s article here.

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