The Finnish technology company Heliostorage published today an agreement with Guangzhou Power Supply Ltd on the delivery of a Borehole Thermal Energy Storage BTES system including system design and planning, construction site management, system comissioning and training. The system delivery also includes the Heliostorage IOTA based borehole thermal storage controller and all materials and spareparts for the project. The delivery is scheduled to start immediately with an option of a 10 times larger system delivery scheduled later.
”With our advanced Seasonal Thermal Storage solution Guangzhou Power Supply will be able to reduce the cost of heating and cooling to a fraction of the current cost level while completely nullifying the CO2 emissions” –Timo Sivula
”Heliostorage’s project is part of the energy co-operation between China and Finland and a good example of the ongoing work in China. Business Finland has been in Shanghai and Guangzhou since the beginning of the project.” says Mika Finska, Head of Smart Energy Finland program at Business Finland.

”With our advanced Seasonal Thermal Storage solution Guangzhou Power Supply will be able to reduce the cost of heating and cooling to a fraction of the current cost level while completely nullifying the CO2 emissions” says Timo Sivula, Senior Vice President at Heliostorage. The Heliostorage system will be part of a larger energy micro network built in Nansha, outside Guangzhou.

Borehole Thermal Energy Storage BTES is a technology that has been object of research at universities since the 80’s and several successful pilot installations exist all over the world. Heliostorage is the first company to productisize the storage technology into a commercial offering. The Guangzhou project will be Heliostorage’s 6th system delivery. The earlier projects have been delivered to Finland.
”This deal is an important market opener for us. The People’s Republic of China PRC is actively improving its air quality. Zero emission heating systems like ours are contributing to the improvement of the Chinese environment. We are excited to join forces with Guanzhou Power Supply to enter the market.” Sivula says.
“The People’s Republic of China PRC is actively improving its air quality. Zero emission heating systems like ours are contributing to the improvement of the Chinese environment.” –Timo Sivula
Heliostorage Ltd is a Finnish Cleantech company employing 7 engineers and with headquarters in Kokkola, Finland.
Guangzhou Power Supply Co. Ltd. GZPS is a wholly owned subsidiary of China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd. CSG. China Southern Power Grid constructs and operates power grids in five southern chinese provinces with a total service area spanning 1 million km² and serving more than 252 million people.